Abstrakt: Motto: Máme demokracii bez demokratů. Institucionálně uspořádat demokracii není problém, ale vytvořit demokratickou kulturu už je složitější. Musí se změnit mentalita lidí, osvojit si demokratické návyky, naučit se žít ve svobodě, a to trvá dvě až tři generace. (T. G. Masaryk)
Abstract (EN): Twenty Years of Czechia: Yet Again at a Historical Crossroads? This article considers the 20th anniversary of the origination of the Czech Republic on January 1, 1993. It critically evaluates contradictory political, social, economic and industrial development and asks disturbing questions about such trajectories into the future. It closely examines developments and changes concerning Czechia’s both geo-political and geo-economical position. Based on new data from the 2011 census, the article also explores the development of sectorial structure of Czechia’s economy from 1950 to 1991 and 1991 to 2011 and describes decrease of the number of economic active population in the Czech industry according to regions in the period 1991 to 2011.