Abstrakt: Článek pojednává o životě indiánů Quechuů – Inků v horské oblasti departmentu Cusco − a na základě autorčiných osobních zkušeností přibližuje stav a vývoj vzdělávání na peruánském venkově. Seznamuje také s aktivitami Nadačního fondu Inka, který spolupracuje s indiány v Peru (podpora nadaných studentů, dílny šití a pletení, vesnické knihovny).
Abstract (EN): From Teaching in Peru to the Activities of the Inka Foundation. The article describes the author’s experiences during her year-long residence and work as a volunteer teacher in the Indian mountain village of Pucamarka, Peru in 2001. Following her experiences of that year, the Inka Foundation was founded to support educational projects for Peru’s native inhabitants. The Foundation provides scholarships for talented students from poor backgrounds. Over the past ten years, more than one thousand students have received financial support to attend secondary schools and universities in Peru. In addition, the Foundation operates sewing and knitting workshops, along with a variety of educational classes, held in village libraries. It also works to promote friendship between Czechia and Peru.