Abstrakt: Na následujících řádcích se na chvíli přeneseme do moderní oblasti geografie – digitálního prostorového modelování. Ukážeme si na příkladu sledování dostupnosti v Praze při použití veřejné kolejové dopravy, jak užitečné je propojení informačních technologií, geografie a kartografie, nejen však z hlediska vědy, ale také praktického života a potřeb rozvoje města.
Abstract (EN): Accessibility in Prague from 1980 to 2020, Using the Arterial Network of Municipal Public Transport. The article uses a practical example of monitoring transport accessibility in Prague to illustrate a possible application that combines geo-information technologies, geography and cartography. The presented study of the accessibility of Prague’s centre, using the arterial network of metro and tram lines, over the 1980 - 2020 period, constitutes a small part of a comprehensive research project that explores changes in accessibility in Czechia, from 1921 to 2020. Accessibility using public rail transport has been calculated and applied to a particular area. The calculations account for transfers and waiting time at stops. The complexity and high degree of sophistication of this research, however, should not reduce its potential for practical applications in education. The use of electronic timetables and the accessibility of a certain place at a certain time can certainly provide an interesting means of enriching geography instruction.